Case of the Month – February 2017 – Body Builder / Fitness Breast Augmentation

I have seen a number of body builder / fitness lifestyle patients for breast augmentation.  They are often concerned about implant placement and implant type.  I advised placing the implants under the muscle with proper releases of breast attachments.  There is a risk of animation (movement with pectoralis muscle contraction), but there is a relatively greater risk of poor superior soft tissue coverage and capsular contracture in the above muscle position.  Patients with some breast tissue do well with a standard silicone implant, but those with little coverage may do better with a firmer cohesive round implant or form stable shaped implant.  For details on the patients below, see the new category in the photo example section.



Mark D. Wigod, MD, FACS, providing Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery to Boise, Meridian, Treasure Valley and Southeastern Idaho.


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