Case ID: 0163
38 year old female with ptotic breasts. 5’3″, 135 pounds, 34D bra pre-op. Wise pattern (inverted T) mastopexy with volume preservation.
MastopexyCase ID: 6748
The patient is a woman in her late 40’s who had 3 previous breast implant surgeries and presented with a flipped right implant and leaking silicone left implant with bilateral contractures and thin coverage. She has improvement with capsulectomy, implant exchange, and soft tissue reinforcement with DuraSorb Mesh.
Breast Augmentation Revision With DuraSorb MeshCase ID: 6850
The patient is a woman in her late 50’s who had bilateral breast implant contractures. She had bilateral capsulectomy with exchange for silicone implants and mesh support.
Breast Augmentation Revision with MeshCase ID: 4860
The patient is a woman in her mid 20’s who is dissatisfied with her post pregnancy volume loss. She has improvement with a minimally cohesive full profile implant 365 cc volume.
Breast Augmentation After Pregnancy Volume LossCase ID: 5981
The patient is a woman in her mid 30’s who was dissatisfied with her breast ptosis (droop) and asymmetry. She has improvement with a circumvertical mastopexy. An incision along the inframamammary fold was not required as her skin excess was mostly vertical and not horizontal.
MastopexyCase ID: 6753
The patient is a young woman who had augmentation with another surgeon. She had implant drop out on the left and implant movement with pectoralis muscle contraction (animation). She declined to have repair with the original surgeon. She had improvement with left pectoralis muscle release and reset of
Breast Augmentation Revision With DuraSorb MeshCase ID: 4681
The patient is a woman in her late 40’s who desired breast augmentation to fill her post pregnancy volume loss. She has a full profile 450 cc silicone implant.
Breast Augmentation After Pregnancy Volume Loss