Otoplasty (ear surgery)
Case ID: 5945
The patient is a woman was dissatisfied with her asymmetric prominent ears. They are improved with a full otoplasty.
Otoplasty (ear surgery)Case ID: 5945
The patient is a woman was dissatisfied with her asymmetric prominent ears. They are improved with a full otoplasty.
Otoplasty (ear surgery)Case ID: 5979
The patient is a woman who disliked her ear prominence and asymmetry and had improvement with a full otoplasty.
Otoplasty (ear surgery)Case ID: 4041
The patient is a young woman who had two partial tears to her ear lobe. Â The pie shaped hanging tissue was excised and the edges sutured in 3 layers. The repair is performed in the office under a local anesthetic and is well tolerated. Â Patients are counseled not to re-pierce
Ear Lobe RepairCase ID: 4522
The patient is a young woman who had recession of her gums due to her Labret piercing and desired removal. The piercing formed a permanent tract that must be removed like a donut and then repaired in layers. The repair may be deforming to the lip, but improves with time
Labret Piercing RepairCase ID: 4102
Traumatic laceration to the upper lip with one year post repair view.
Facial Reconstruction Lip