Before & After Gallery


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Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction

Case ID: 4668

Before and After Images
Before Image: Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction - front
After Image: Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction - front
Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction
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The patient is a woman in her early 30’s who was dissatisfied with her abdomen and flanks post pregnancy.  She has improvement with abdominoplasty and flank liposuction.  Extending the incision as far lateral as possible allows maximal flank contouring.  Liposuctioned fat was processed and used as fat graft for the

Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction

Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction and Umbilical Hernia Repair

Case ID: 4780

Before and After Images
Before Image: Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction and Umbilical Hernia Repair - left-side
After Image: Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction and Umbilical Hernia Repair - left-side
Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction and Umbilical Hernia Repair
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The patient is a woman in her mid 30’s who had 5 pregnancies and an incarcerated umbilical hernia.  She has repair with abdominoplasty and flank liposuction, direct closure of the hernia, and reinforcement with abdominal fascia plication (tightening) from top to bottom.  The umbilicus had it’s blood supply destroyed by

Abdominoplasty with Flank Liposuction and Umbilical Hernia Repair

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